These sounds here are sort of my musical home. The more filthy and rugged and metallic, the better. I feel right at ease. Purified. Don't laugh.
First up is Autopsy, formed by ex-Death drummer Chris Reifert in the late eighties. Autopsy was all about snotty sounds, sloppy but powerful playing and rather twisted lyrical explorations.
Autopsy - Death Twitch
Autopsy - Frozen With Fear
Autopsy - Spinal Extraction
Moving on to Abscess, the aptly named group also fronted by the aforementioned Mr. Reifert. If possible, the tunes are a bit more mucus-y, sicker and even sloppier than before. Which makes for a perfect death punk metal experience, don't you think?
Abscess - Tattoo Collector
Abscess - Swallow The Venom
Finally, a listen to one of the most legendary death metal bands ever. Deicide, with the singular Glen Benton, have been going on for a good 20 years now. The standard of the albums has varied pretty wildly, but lately they seem to have found a new lease on death, so to speak. The latest couple of albums have been strong. However, this next tune comes from their very first album.
Deicide - Dead By Dawn
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